How can I take the text from a .txt file and display it to the usr?
In response to Garthor
That displays the file dir, not the text inside the .txt file. :P
In response to Kijokiha
Kijokiha wrote:
That displays the file dir, not the text inside the .txt file. :P

On the contrary, it does display the text in the file.

var/buffer = "I am text!"

src << file2text("output.txt")
In response to Kijokiha
You must not be doing something right. file2text() does just that, take text from a file a return it as a text string.

flist() returns the directory contents.
In response to Malver
Bah, I'm sorry. I was doing something wrong. Before when I was trying to do this, it was displaying the dir. :(

Oh well, sorry. Thanks!