Please i would really appreciate it if someone could at least give me some advice.

The problem is that when a player transforms, his current hair should be replaced with SSJ hair. If the player has black hair it works fine but if the player has coloured hair then the coloured hair stays and it can be seen under the ssj hair.

I think its because when I do:
usr.overlays - 'goku_normal_hair'

'goku_normal_hair' is black and therefore the computer thinks that coloured hair is totally different.

I was trying along the lines of:

if == 'goku'
var/hairtype += 'goku_normal_hair'
hairtype += rgb(usr.rhair,usr.ghair,usr.bhair)
usr.overlays -= hairtype

Please if you have any idea what I should change please tell me, I have asked a lot of people but no luck. THANKS.


You need to create a mob/var that stores the players hair.

ie mob/var/hairover

Then when crating the char use like

usr.hairover = 'goku_normal_hair.dmi'
usr.hairover += rgb(red,green,blue)

So when you go ssj just remove hairover and add the ssjhair.

Thats the basis of it anyway,sry,im in a rush.

In response to Mystical_Light
Grazie i'll give it a go

arriverderci (lol my italian is poor)
As far as I know, the rgb() proc actually creates a new icon. So, removing the normal icon won't work, best bet would be to null the overlays and re apply all overlays that aresupposed to be on the mob.