the problem is that u can enter this place from dif locations on the map so i cant just ask it to transport u to a certain place when u leave coz u wouldnt necessarily appear in the place u went in from.
i thought of using a variable that stores ur location just before u enter the turf...
icon = 'place.bmp'
var/storeloc = locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z)
icon = 'turfs.dmi'
icon_state = "leave"
usr.loc = storeloc
but i get an error message saying i havent defined storeloc and i get a warning saying that i have defined storeloc but i havent used it
any help or suggestions?
thats the code i use for gravity from gravitrons. I know this is straight from zeta but i promise i'm not using this for a zeta rip...i just want to learn so i can ake my own original game(non-dbz)...this is just a test project
The problem with that is that u can stand in the same spot and the gravity keeps on working, is there a way to make it so u HAVE to walk around in order for the gravity to work and if u dont then it doesnt have any affect. And it'll be great if u can make it so the effect of the gravitron only works if the gravitron is near u.
Thanks for any help, i need more help with this than the other one btw.