World_Say(msg as text)
for(var/mob/M in world)
if(!M.worldsay_toggle&&!(src in M.ignore))
if(M.muted == 1)
M << "Your voice has been removed!"
else if(usr.key == "Metroid")
M << "\icon[usr] <font color=aqua><b>[usr] wsays: [html_encode:(msg)]</font>"
else if(usr.Admin == 1)
M << "\icon[usr] <font color=lime><b>[usr] wsays: [html_encode:(msg)]</font>"
M << "\icon[usr] <font color=white><b>[usr] wsays: [html_encode:(msg)]</font>"
Anyone help please, and can you make sure that it includes some message to tell the other people instead of what the guy wanted to say? Any help will be appreciated.