Ok this is bothering more than anything, but....

var/test = list("a","b","c")


runtime error: list index out of bounds
proc name: test (/mob/verb/test)
usr: Rifthaven (/mob/usr)
src: Rifthaven (/mob/usr)
call stack:
Rifthaven (/mob/usr): test()

Ok...I can't tell why the 'usr<<test[2]' is out of bounds (unless BYOND is different than some of the other languages that way), I dunno I've been gone for almost a year now and my DM is rusty. This is just bothering me because I can't figure out why it is out of bounds.

"I'd kill a commie for Christ anyday" -Dr. Nellsch</<output></<test></<test> </<test></<test>
Ok...I can't tell why the 'usr<<test[2]' is out of bounds (unless BYOND is different than some of the other languages that way), I dunno I've been gone for almost a year now and my DM is rusty. This is just bothering me because I can't figure out why it is out of bounds.

BYOND is indeed different. For some reason or another everything is based on one based indexs. So 0 isn't a valid index.
In response to Theodis
Ok thanks

<font color = "red">RiftHaven</font>
"I'd kill a commie for Christ anyday" -Dr. Nellsch