In my game i have a adventure system similar to Monster Rancher's.Now in monster rancher you have a certain amount of Energy and every type you take a step you lose 1 energy.In my game i make the user's movement extremely slow so he doesnt accidently move more then 1 step.The problem im having is that its taking a Energy point away Just for pressing the directional button and since i delayed my movement i can press the button about 10 times before he actually moves How would i get it to minus Only if he actually Moves.This is my code.

if(istype(src.loc.loc, /area/Adventure))
usr.movedelay = 10
src.Energy -= 1
if(src.Energy <= 0)
usr.movedelay = 1
usr << "You run out of Energy and finish your adventure"
src.loc = locate(1,1,2)
I think that "get_step" works for something like that, but as I don't know how that works at all I will tell you how I would do it :

var/turf/oldloc = locate(x,y,z)
if(istype(src.loc.loc, /area/Adventure))
. = ..()
var/turf/currentloc = locate(x,y,z)
src.movedelay = 10
src.Energy -= 1
if(src.Energy <= 0)
src.movedelay = 1
usr << "You run out of Energy and finish your adventure"
src.loc = locate(1,1,2)

In response to Ease
Hmm that doesnt seem to slow his movement or take away his energy
In response to Turles9000
Sorry, I missed out the delay bit, but are you sure it doesn't take away energy? It should do!

In response to Ease
yeah im sure it doesnt seem to be doing anything
usr is wrong in Move().
In response to Garthor
K Fixed it, So can anyone help with my problem?
In response to Turles9000
It's rather simple to determine whether or not the client has moved. For example:

var/initial_location=src.loc //saves the client's location.
.=..() //the client tries to move.
if(src.loc!=initial_location) //if the client's new location is not the client's old location...
src<<"Congratulations!" //the Move() was successful.
src<<"Sorry! Better luck next time." //the Move() was unsuccessful.
In response to Xallius
Actually, it's even easier than that. (I'd suggest not using the name "client" for the player, though, because a /client is a specific type. =) )

<code>mob/Move() .=..() if (.) src << "You moved successfully." else src << "Movement was unsuccessful!"</code>
In response to Crispy
sorry, I'm just used to using client as in "the person using the program"