I guess it may be a well-documented problem, although I haven't found anything close to it in my forum searches... So here's the problem I encounter with my game.

For some reason, the game seems to crash DreamDaemon after 7~10 hours. I suspect it is my code that somehow provokes it. What I'd like to know are some ways to track down what exactly might cause this problem.

Any feedback is appreciated. From known common coding mistakes, to techniques used to track down infinite loops or CPU-hogging procs, all suggestions are welcomed.

Should anyone need details, I'd be happy to provide some, although I have no idea what in my code could make it crash... That's the part that really bugs me...

Thanks in advance.
I really hate to bump that, but I'd really need some way to help me track down what could provoke crash. Even the most common techniques would be appreciated.
Well, for one you could start by looking at any runtime errors that DD throws up. Try starting up DreamDaemon so that it outputs the log to a file(I think you do that by starting it with -logself but I'm not sure).
You could also try hosting your game in Dream Seeker, and use the built-in profiler to see if there's anything that particularly hogs CPU time.
In response to Jon88
Jon88 wrote:
Well, for one you could start by looking at any runtime errors that DD throws up. Try starting up DreamDaemon so that it outputs the log to a file(I think you do that by starting it with -logself but I'm not sure).
You could also try hosting your game in Dream Seeker, and use the built-in profiler to see if there's anything that particularly hogs CPU time.

Well as far as Runtime Errors go, I only saw one, which was a check I forgot to put on one of my admin verbs (can't read null.key... pretty basic stuff), but I doubt it be the cause. I tried hosting the game with DreamSeeker, but couldn't really find much since the game just made DreamSeeker crash out of nowhere before I could refresh the profiler. The game stayed up for about 3 hours, and went kaboom.

I tried to ask players what they were doing when it happenned, but nothing really particular was mentionned.

Any other advice, anyone? Any other way to track down this problem?