ID:147376 using your day night system to learn from, then I gots this cool idea to make headlights for my car. when i turn them on it makes an overlay of an object in from on the car. how do I get the obj to make the overlay of the night go away when its around me?
Are you talking about my OutsideArea demo, or sd_DynamicAreaLighting library?

Either way, you would need to make a list of turfs that are lit by the headlights and shift them from the darkened area (as in /atom/area) to the lit area. sd_DAL makes it easy with built in procs. You can read a little more on the theory behind sd_DAL in Post [link] and following posts.
In response to Shadowdarke
Im using Outside one becuase it was first in my little list( i do have the other one tho). I always wanted to know how to use lists!