if(usr.monsterinparty == null)
usr << "The [src] begins to shake aruptly! A blue beam comes out of the [src] and a Blue Slime is formed! The [src] shatters into millions of pieces which are absorbed into the new monster..."
var/mob/summons/Blue_Slime_Summon/B = new/mob/summons/Blue_Slime_Summon()
usr << "<b><font color = olive>[B]:</b><font color = blue> Hiya! I'm a [B]! Since You're my new master, name me properly! I hate this name!"
var/namea = input("What do you want to name the new [B]?","Name!") = namea
usr << "<b><font color = olive>[namea]:</b><font color = blue> Thanks! My new name is [name]!"
usr.monsterinparty = B
var/mob/A = new usr.monsterinparty.type(locate(C.x-1,C.y,C.z)) =
A.density = 0
usr.monsterfollow = A
usr << "You cannot have 2 monsters at once, get rid of your old one!"
That's the code that makes the original version that moves like it should, heres the moving code:
if(src.monsterfollow != null)
if(get_dist(src,src.monsterfollow) <= 1) return
okay and next up is the new code that recreates the monster after the player relogs, the monster DOES NOT follow now.
if(src.monsterfollow != null)
//var/mob/m = new src.monsterfollow.type(usr.x-1,usr.y,usr.z)
new src.monsterfollow.type(usr.x-1,usr.y,usr.z)
Neither ways on that, including the //ed out ones work. Any help will be apreciated, unless its telling me to change the whole thing...Please help though! Thanks!
//src.monsterfollow = m
One thing that you should do if you do this is make a monsterfollow a tmp var and eleminate the check to see if monsterfollow is null, because it will be everytime now that it's a tmp var.
Resonating Light