in my world say and say verbs i tried to make it show a icon i had the players choose at start of game. it was sort of like an avitar but forsome reason it wont show the icon but will show a caracter one if i change it a little is this a byond bug or am i doing something wrong?

World_Say (msg as text)
world << "\icon[usr.favcard] [usr]: [html_encode:(msg)]"
say (msg as text)
view() << "\icon[usr] [usr]: [html_encode:(msg)]"

the first is the avitar (dosnt work) and the second shows there current mob icon and works
Well, you have a much bigger problem. The colon after html_encode shouldn't even compile for you.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
besides that whats wrong with it i took the colon out and still dont work
Kavumaster wrote:
        say (msg as text)
view() << "\icon[usr.favcard] <font color=#09c>[usr]: [html_encode:(msg)]</font>"