K I dont think that 'Login Proc' is the my problem. I was wondering if I could override and make my own login. Like where it asks for your key. I want to make my own and also that doesnt work 4 me. It says failed to open roving key. Any help on either of these will be greatley appreciated. Thx!

Logging in is handled directly between the BYOND server and clients. There is (quite obviously) no possible way whatsoever to have the player provide their key and password to your world to log in. To fix the bug you describe, I'd suggest searching for "Roving Key" on the forums.
In response to Garthor
i think he means is, when the person connects to a game, it asks for a username and password. and there is a register button at the bottom, so i suggest the use of forms, when the register button is clicked, it asks some questions like e-mail and stuff, and of course the username and password desired. then they submit. if approved by the GM, it will send a reply e-mail to the player who signs up, then they can use that usernaem and password to enter the game rather than their byond key.

lol i might just be blowing steam, but i thinks thats what is ment.

otherwise i'm just an idiot, lol
( note: Yes i am an idiot XP )
In response to ElderKain
k tx anyway :) Ya that is what I meant but I think Garthor or w.e (sry lol) answered me. I think thats what i was lookin 4 :o