Getout verb makes mob stuck...
When the mob gets out he gets stuck and everytime i'm moving i'm dragging him along...i think mabe cuz it is muti tiled...or mabe somthing wrong?
verb/Get_Out() set src in view(0) if(src.driver == usr) view(src) << "The driver of the [src] ([usr]) hops out, leaving no driver behind!" usr.vehicle = null src.driver = null walk_rand(usr,2) sleep(2) walk(usr,0) usr.invisibility = 0 world << usr.vehicle if(usr.vehicle == src) if(src.driver != usr) view(src) << "[usr] hops out of the [src], leaving an extra space for a new passenger!" src.currentpassengers -= 1 src.vehicle = null walk_rand(usr,2) sleep(2) walk(usr,0) usr.invisibility = 0
and here is the muti tiled code...actually where i placed it.
mob/Warthog icon = 'stuff.dmi' icon_state = "c1" New() ..() var/obj/mobtop/MT=new overlays+= MT maxpassengers = 0
[verb here]()
//then stuff
//then stuff
your doing
verb/[verb here]()
//stuff here