for(var/mob/M in world)
world<<"[M.key] found the flag!"

Why does'nt it recognize M?
Also if I made a var so after M.frozen=1 it made lets say teleport=1 and in my login I put if teleport=1 for(var/mob/M in world) M.loc=locate(blah,blah,blah)...Will this work or is there a better way?Basically so if I teleported every1 in the worl to my maze lvl everyone else that joins after that will be at the maze to.And after some1 touched the flag everyone after that goes into the normal area.
if its saying that its undefined your having bad indentations again i think indent everything under for
In response to N1ghtW1ng
Ok now the bump proc is still undefiend,indetation aswell?
Your first problem, what the hell are you trying to achieve? Do you want Bump(the flag moving into someone) or Bumped(someone moving into the flag)?

I would recommend reading the usr unfriendly article to see why usr there is wrong.

M is undefined because you haven't indented the code after for().

For your last problem, try typing it out in a logical, grammatical manner and then maybe someone could help.
In response to DeathAwaitsU
The person bump into the flag.
In response to CodingSkillz2
var/mob/M = A
//Do stuff to M and stuff

You might have to search for Bumped() on the forums.
In response to Garthor
Here's the Bumped proc i use, try actually to understand what's happening instead of copying and pasting:

atom/proc/Bumped(atom/movable/bumped_by) //Declare a new proc for all atoms called Bumped.
if(O) O.Bumped(src) //Then make Bump call Bumped for the atom that was hit.
In response to Garthor
Ohhh...I had it like that before but bump was enter..
In response to DeathAwaitsU
Meh,mabe it's that i felt like crap but now I understand it.Thanks.
Oh,and is there other way's to do bump procs?Just experimenting.