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Largest Mall Owner goes on an insane rampage, and coworkers aswell as a few nearby shoppers were FORCED to restrain and contain him in his own store. This eccentric trillionaire now paces around in his makeshift prison, staring at passerby. In his rampage, though, he managed to completely destroy his mall, as well as setting up 2 messages.
One was erected far above his prison, and it says ' ? ! S i n '. The other one, very near the prison, says 'HELP', with the L and P backwards.
Fellow workers decided to quit their jobs, but in tribute, erected 6 stands for each brand of item he used to sell. People can come into the mall and view the messages, the carnage, as well as shop in the few stands near the prison. No word has escaped the mallowner's lips since the incident.
Some have claimed that they heard him trying to whisper something, but none of their claims have been proven. Some also claim that the money and responsibility have risen to his head.

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