It keeps saying there is a damn indentation error!! and there is nothing of the sort!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if(usr.exp >= maxexp)
world << "<b>[usr] has gained a level!"

Do you see an indentation error there ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!
Then show us some more code from around it.
KingSerpent wrote:
It keeps saying there is a damn indentation error!! and there is nothing of the sort!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>       Check_Player_Level(mob/M)
> if(usr.exp >= maxexp)
> world << "<b>[usr] has gained a level!"

Do you see an indentation error there ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!

Dont know if you noticed but I also dont know if it's like this exactlly in your coding but your world is tab one to far on here it should be.
> if(usr.exp >= maxexp)
> world << "<b>[usr] has gained a level"
In response to Chwgt
if(src.exp >= maxexp)
world << "<b>[usr] has gained a level!"

Try that(or something that looks like it.)
Is this the only error you have? Did you copy and paste that in from the forums?

If you got that from the forums, it might have spaces instead of tabs..Or tabs instead of spaces depending on coding style..Delete all the tabs and then re-tab them, that's what I would do.
I don't see the indentation error, but it's probably hidden. Use Ctrl+T to see your spaces and tabs when editing the code in DM.

I do see something much worse, though. You've put usr in a proc. You're also sending the proc a var it doesn't need: M. A simple levelup proc needs nothing more than src to work on.

Lummox JR