proc name: Die (/mob/proc/Die)
source file:,155
usr: 0
src: Ahzulez (/mob/characters/android)
call stack:
Ahzulez (/mob/characters/android): Die()
Head (/obj/Beams/Head): Bump(Ahzulez (/mob/characters/android))
Head (/obj/Beams/Head): Move(the kgrass (20,11,1) (/turf/Kaioshin/kaioshindmi/kgrass), 2)
I get this error when i shoot the ki blast at a player when they meet death requirements. The death proc works fine for my finish verb but not when i use it in the ki blast thingy.
if(istype(A,/mob/))// If whatever the head bumps is a mob...
view(owner) << "[src.owner]'s [src.aname] hits [M]!" // For all in the owner's view, gives a message
M.damage += ((owner.powerlevel/M.powerlevel) * 7)
src.density = 0
src.density = 1
for(var/obj/O in src.Beam) // Checks for objects in the Head's Beam list...
del(O) // Deletes any objects found
del(src) // Deletes the head
else if(istype(A,/turf/)) // If whatever the head bumps is a turf..
owner.kame = 0 // Allow the owner to fire another beam
owner.icon_state = "" // Give them their default icon_state
owner.move = 1 // Allow them to move
for(var/obj/O in src.Beam) // Checks for objects in the Head's Beam list...
del(O) // Deletes any objects found
del(src) // Deletes the head
if(!ismob(A) && !isturf(A) && !isobj(A) && !isarea(A))
owner.kame = 0 // Allow the owner to fire another beam
owner.icon_state = "" // Give them their default icon_state
owner.move = 1 // Allow them to move
for(var/obj/O in src.Beam) // Checks for objects in the Head's Beam list...
del(O) // Deletes any objects found
del(src) // Deletes the head
Above is the piece of coding where i use the death proc in the base of the ki beam coding.
here is the code for the ki blast
set category = "Fighting"
set name = "Ki Blast"
src.head = 'Blast.dmi'
src.tail = 'Blast.dmi'
src.aname = "Ki Blast"
src.kiamount = src.maxki / 100
if(src.kame) // If the mob's kame var is one...
src << "This cannot be done."
else if(src.kiamount >
src <<"Not Enough Ki"
view(6) << "HA!!" -= kiamount
src.kame = 1 // Sets the kame var to 1, so he cant fire another beam
src.move = 0 // Disables the mob's movement
src.icon_state = "" // Sets the mob's icon_state
src.Beam() // Calls the Beam() proc
src.kame = 0
Thx in advance.
runtime error: Cannot read
proc name: Die (/mob/proc/Die)
source file:,155
usr: 0
src: Ahzulez (/mob/characters/android)
call stack:
Ahzulez (/mob/characters/android): Die()
Head (/obj/Beams/Head): Bump(Ahzulez (/mob/characters/android))
Head (/obj/Beams/Head): Move(the kgrass (20,11,1) (/turf/Kaioshin/kaioshindmi/kgrass), 2)