Verbs aren't being received
I created two hidden administrator verbs, and a proc that handles detection. However, although I know I reference the proc in /mob/Login(), it doesn't seem to give me the verbs that I defined, nor does it show the debug line that I inserted in order to determine where the procedure isn't working.
This is the coding that I have that handles the sending of the verbs:
var global list/admin["Drafonis"] list/banned
mob/proc/acheck(mob/M as mob) if(admin.Find(M.key)) M.verbs += /mob/verb/Boot M.verbs += /mob/verb/Ban M << "You now have administrator access!" mob/Login() acheck(src) ..()
That should work.
You might want to check out if that doesn't work :
Some things aren't working 100 % but for the most part it works. (It is not published yet publically for that reason)