src.client.screen += new/obj/HUD/healthbar
for(var/i = 1, i < 3, i ++)
Demote(src) // make everybody player
if((src.admin == "0") && (client.address == world.address || world.address == null))
world.status = "<b>Version [world.version] hosted by []! [PlayerAmount] players logged in.</b>"


The code is there, But when someone logs in, he does not get a health bar, nor does the world.status work, And the Make_host does not work too. Ive got all the bases in different files (Like the HUB and Make_Host, The last one being in my admin file) But i thought the error might be obvious but im just too stupid to see it. Oh, and it compiles with 0 errors, so dream maker didnt notice anything either..
Did you set world.mob to /mob/Player? I do this all the time, It's probably just a case of forgetfulness.
In response to Ter13
Umm... i rather dont know then forget. Please do Explain.
In response to Takaru
Well, I'd bet you haven't set world.mob. World.mob determines what kind of mob is created when a user logs in.

Basically, world.mob defaults to /mob. The base type of mob. If you created a /mob/player type, you should set world.mob to /mob/player. It should look something like this:

mob = /mob/Player

In essence, what this does is tells the world: "Okay, everybody that logs in logs in as one of these."

Get it?
In response to Ter13
Umm, but how would that help in making the code work? ><
In response to Takaru
Okay, I'm trying my hardest to put this as simply as I can.

You have created a type of mob called /mob/Player.

The world's mob variable is still set at /mob.

Since your login procedure is defined under /mob/Player, it will not be called when the world creates /mob. So you have to tell the world to create a /mob/Player when the user logs into the world. So, you SET WORLD.MOB TO /mob/Player!

If you aren't bright enough to figure out that code snippet I gave you in my last post is the solution to your problem when I explained it twice, well, you're out of luck.
In response to Ter13
Erm, Actually, the login works just fine, The other things dont work as i said in my first post.
if(src.this_post_makes_me_look_like_an_idiot == 1)

this_post_makes_me_look_like_an_idiot = 0

EreaseMemory(mob/M as mob in view)
M<<"You forget about ever seeing this post"

TakIsNotStupid(mob/M as mob in view)
M<<"You realize that Takaru is actually not stupid!"
In response to Takaru
Look, Takaru, I'm trying to help you. would you put this in your code?

mob = /mob/Player

If NOTHING in that proc is working, and as you claim, you defined everything right, then the proc probably isn't being called.

This will ensure that the proc is being called. Even if this doesn't work, I can continue to help you; We'd have narrowed out a possible solution.