stat(inventory) //this is the player's inventory list, when I right-click an item in here, it doesn't show extra
stat(skills) //this is the player's skills
stat(contents) //Shows both the skills and inventory in same statpanel, when I right-click an item in here, it shows the drop() verb
//Whenever I add items to the inventory, I don't add it to contents, the reason I don't use contents because it contains both the skills and inventory.
var/mob/M = usr
set src in oview(0)
M.inventory += src
M << "You picked up the [src]"
set src in usr //This sets it when the user has it, I see it is "set src in List" by format 1. Is there a way to make it like:
//set src in usr.inventory <- must be in the inventory to use it
src.loc = M.loc
usr << "You dropped the [src]"
Mainly this is because I don't want to use the default contents list because I don't want to mix my skills and items into the mob contents list.
OR, you could have done it the other way, and just used the skills list.
Get it?