In some games, there is a special turf on the water where it touches land to create a "coastline"... I hate mapping all of these, because you need to put allllll the north's, allll the souths, alllll the wests, alllll the for corners that's double the work... I need a way to generate turfs on top of the water where it touches the water. This is what I was thinking about:
for(W in world)
for(var/turf/T in locate(W.x,W.y+1,W.z))
if(T.type != /turf/wall) //get the "layered" effect ^_^
new /turf/coastn(W.loc) //northcoast overlay
//(repeat for other 3 compass directions)
icon = 'blah.dmi'
icon_state = "The Bestestest Icon State Ever" //its 4 AM I can call it WHATEVER I want!
layer = 5 //I'm not sure this will help, but...
I tried something like that, but it didn't do anything I could see... it did generate the coasts it just didn't have them on top of the water... I could use icon overlays I think... I'll have to read up on them though (which I'll do). I'd still like to know what's wrong with the above for future knowlage =)
Don't you have a ..() statement in world/New()? You might want to put one, then spawn(1) before you run the proc, just to make sure all the turfs exist.