if (keybanlist.Find(ckey))
if (key!="Guest")
src << "<font face=Comic Sans MS size=1>\red Sorry, you have been banned from []"
del src
if (ipbanlist.Find(address))
if (unbanned.Find(ckey))
src << "<font face=Comic Sans MS size=1>\red Sorry, you have been banned from []"
del src
Problem description:
Is it possible for it not to check a persons client when they login? because i have this exact code in one game and it works fine. but in this other one the ban system doesnt work. i mean it adds them to the ban list and saves it and everything. but its like it cant find the client.address or client.key in there. how would i go about fixing this? is there a certain part of coding i need to add in for when the world is made or what?
I honestly don't know why you're removing someone from the 'un'banned list when you're unbanning them...
Do you have the keyban() procedures?
To be honest, we'd need to see the whole system to be able to help you...