verb/Mute(mob/M in world)
set category = "GM"
set name = "Mute/Unmute"
if(M.mute == 1)
M.mute = 0
world << "<font size=1><font color=gray>[M] has been unmuted"
M.mute = 1
world << "<font size=1><font color=gray>[M] is muted"
Problem description:
Hm...i was told indents, but when ever i try to indent it right, more errors compile. Anyone good at indents?
Also you should close your HTML tags. The <font> tags by the way you can combine into a single tag, since you can use more than one attribute at once. However I recommend setting up some styles in a .dms file and instead just using something like <span class=admin> for your admin-related lines.
And since mute is an admin proc, it shouldn't belong to a GM. A GM is someone who handles gameplay issues; an admin handles player issues.
Lummox JR