Basicly in my coding, a ring of fire surrounds the player, but with the save code i'm using, the overlays still stick on when they relog, so i'm trying to figure out a way to remove the sepcified overlay path so no other overlays will be removed from the player, like if they have another overlay such as an outfit, it won't be removed.
I have tried things like src.overlays-=/obj/ElderKainObj/fire/FireN, and it doesn't work like on the login to remove them. So i started to play around with the Cut() proc.
I can use src.overlays.Cut() on the login to remove all overlays, but other than that, i don't want all of the overlays to go.
here is the overlay removal code i'm working on, but nothing happens.
for(var/obj/ElderKainObj/fire/o in src.overlays)
note: the icon paths for each of the overlays in the ring of fire are.
Lummox JR