mob/verb/say(msg as text)
//set src in view(1)
usr << "[usr] says: [msg]"
var/tmp/my_count = 10
for(var/M in cuwords)
usr << ""
usr << "You just cussed. Don't do it again."
if(count == 5)
usr << "You are trying to cuss way to much. Auto-muted"
usr.verbs -= new /mob/verb/say()
usr.verbs += new /mob/verb/say()
while(my_count >= world.time)
usr << "You are talking way to much and are spamming."
usr.verbs -= new /mob/verb/say()
usr.verbs += new /mob/verb/say()
my_count = 1
Problem description:Yea now the problem here is that every time you say something, the var/my_count is supposed to go up, and if it goes up to the point that the var/my_count is greater then the worlds time, then the person is muted for spamming. It refuses to work. Please help. By the way, this is my first time trying to construct a spam protection, disregard the for loop, that works, it's the while you have to worry about.
You need to set the variable as a client or mob variable.
Many other problems to deal with but that's all I'm going to talk about, I have to go...