Code://This is a test world created by Jakken109 on 5/29/05.

icon = 'person.dmi' //make it so all mobs will be created with the person icon
bug //new prototype
icon = 'bug.dmi' //override the parent's icon, which was 'person.dmi'
HP = 30 //define a new variable called HP, with a value of 30

icon_state = gender //when a player logs in, get them the right icon state for
..() //the gender of their key. Then call the parent!

if (HP <= 0)
world << "[src] dies!"
del(src) //delete whatever just died

attack(mob/M as mob in oview(1)) //attack a mob within 1 tile of you
usr << "You attack [M]!" //send this message to the usr
oview() << "[usr] attacks [M]!" //send this message to everybody else
var/damage = rand(1,10) //assign a random # to a new variable
world << "[damage] damage!" //tell the damage to the world
M:HP -= damage //take away the damage from M
M:DeathCheck() //check for death with a proc
if (HP <= 0)
world << "[src] dies!"
var/obj/gold/G = new(loc) //create a new obj from the gold blueprint
G.amount = rand(0,100) //set its amount variable randomly
..() //call the parent

say(msg as text) //what the usr says is passed into "msg" as text
world << "[usr] says: [msg]" //the world sees chatroom-like output

icon = 'gold.dmi'
get() //obj/gold/verb/get()
set src in view(1) //src must be close
usr << "You pick up [amount] gold."
usr.wealth += amount //add to usr.wealth
del(src) //delete the gold

grass //define a "grass" prototype, which is a kind of turf...
icon = 'grass.dmi' //that has an icon named 'grass.dmi'. In single quotes!

world //set one of our world's characteristics:
turf = /turf/grass //its default turf is the grass turf.

Problem description:I got the errors G invalid proc definition and = invalid proc def.. I did the zilal tutorial and its not working, can someone help me?

change the line
var/obj/gold/G = new(loc)

var/obj/G = new /obj/gold(loc)

i think that should take the errors away
In response to Zero's Baby
var/obj/>>G<< = new /obj/gold(loc)

var/obj/gold/>>G<< = new(loc)

those are whats wrong.. the G, duno whats wrong with it

G.amount >>=<< rand(0,100)

and that = sign
attack(mob/M as mob in oview(1)) //attack a mob within 1 tile of you
usr << "You attack [M]!" //send this message to the usr
oview() << "[usr] attacks [M]!" //send this message to everybody else
var/damage = rand(1,10) //assign a random # to a new variable
world << "[damage] damage!" //tell the damage to the world
M:HP -= damage //take away the damage from M
M:DeathCheck() //check for death with a proc
if (HP <= 0)
world << "[src] dies!"
//****Look Here***indentation error you have G on the same step as the verb so indent and it should give no more errors about the G.
var/obj/gold/G = new(loc)
/*same effect as var/obj/G=new/obj/G(loc) this is used
for different type casting techniques
like var/obj/O=new/mob/whatever
thats what this ismob() proc
and its counterparts are used
for, to make sure something like that does'nt slip out.

G.amount = rand(0,100) //set its amount variable randomly
//**Look Here** And why call the parent this isnt a sub-type this IS the parent of the verb.

Other than that.The only things that may lead to more problems in the future is the way you are coding this game.
Please put your code inside the <dm> tags, not before them, so the code will display correctly. Please also put your problem description after the closing </b> tag, because that doesn't need to be in bold. You can edit your post to make it display correctly.

Lummox JR
I don't remember Zilal's tutorial using the : operator instead of the . operator. o.O
In response to Zero's Baby
That actually makes it worse.