help_text = "What is your digimon?"
var/list/digimon = list("Botamon", "Punimon", "Pabumon", "Nyokimon", "Yuramon","Poyomon")
default_value = "Nothing"
var/char_digimon = input(usr, help_text, prompt_title, default_value) in digimon
usr.hp = 5
usr.maxhp = 5
usr.databits = 0
usr.say = 1
usr.digimon = "Botamon"
usr.icon = 'digimon.dmi'
icon_state = 'botamon'
Problem description: When I compile it says there's one error. Digimon.dme:20:error:'botamon':cannot find file. The highlight goes to the dme file and highlights "#include "". But my icon IS there.
icon_state = 'botamon'
It shoulda been
icon_state = "botamon"