problem 1 When i set it to click and i select a turf from
set category = "Building"
var/newtype = input("What type?")in typesof(/turf/nes/nes)+"Cancel"
if(newtype == "Cancel")
problem 2 when i use flood mode (like flood in ms paint) when it replaces a group of turfs it only floods south of my mouse pointer.
here is the code, just post on which one you can help me with.
if(usr.building && usr.buildmethod == "Click")
new usr.buildtype (src)
if(usr.building&&usr.buildmethod =="Flood")
for(var/turf/T in block(locate(1,1,usr.z),locate(100,100,usr.z)))
if(T.type == src.type)
new usr.buildtype(T))
If you dont understand just tell me so i can explain it better.
What is usr.building, usr.buildmethod, usr.buildtype, and how the hell works new usr.buildtype(T))???