new /obj/healthmeter(client)
new /obj/cpmeter(client)
new /obj/expmeter(client)
var/width = 16
var/num = 0
healthmeter // hud health meter
name = "HP"
icon = 'meter1.dmi'
screen_loc = "7,6"
icon_state = "0"
cpmeter // hud cp meter
name = "CP"
icon = 'meter2.dmi'
screen_loc = "7,6"
icon_state = "0"
expmeter // hud xp meter
name = "EXP"
icon = 'meter3.dmi'
screen_loc = "7,6"
icon_state = "0"
if(num < 0) //if the meter is negative
num = 0 //set it to zero
else if(num > width) //if the meter is over 100%
num = width //set it to 100%
src.icon_state = "[round(src.num)]"
Problem description: Simply put, this isn't working. No icons are being shown. I am absolutely sure that each icon file contains icon states from 0 to 16, and, although I highly doubt it, the fact that the login proc is in a different file might be a factor in something. There are also no compilation errors.