I wondering how can i add music to my game and when somone goes ssj4 for the first time how should i go about this heres the transformation coding ill be using

                                if("Super Saiyan 4")
if(usr.maxpowerlevel >=1000000000)
usr.overlays -= 'hair_black_spikey.dmi'
usr.overlays -= 'hair_black_long.dmi'
usr.overlays -= 'hair_black_short.dmi'
usr.overlays -= 'hair_vegeta.dmi'
usr.overlays -='hair_goku.dmi'
usr << "<b>You explode in rage as you begin to go Super Saiya-jin 4."
oview(6) << "<b>**<font color = red>[usr]'s hair begins to spike backwards, as he grows red hair on his chest.<font color = white>**"

// usr.oicon = usr.icon
// usr.icon = 'ssj4.dmi'

if ("Spikey")
usr.overlays += 'ssj4-hair.dmi'
var/hairover = 'hair_black_spikey.dmi'
hairover += rgb(0,0,0)
usr.overlays += hairover
if ("Gohan")
usr.overlays += 'ssj4-hair.dmi'
var/hairover = 'hair_black_spikey.dmi'
hairover += rgb(0,0,0)
usr.overlays += hairover

if ("long")
usr.overlays += 'ssj4-hair.dmi'
var/hairover = 'hair_black_long.dmi'
hairover += rgb(0,0,0)
usr.overlays += hairover
if ("Short")
usr.overlays += 'ssj4-hair.dmi'
var/hairover = 'hair_black_short.dmi'
hairover += rgb(0,0,0)
usr.overlays += hairover

if ("Vegeta")
usr.overlays += 'ssj4-hair.dmi'
var/hairover = 'hair_vegeta.dmi'
hairover += rgb(0,0,0)
usr.overlays += hairover
if ("Goku")

usr.overlays +='hair_ssj4_goku.dmi'
usr.underlays += 'ssjaura.dmi'
usr.state = "Super Saiya-jin 4"
usr.ssj = 1
usr.powerlevel = (usr.powerlevel * 12)
usr.powerlevel = round(usr.powerlevel)
usr << "<b>You feel too weak to go Super Saiyan 4."
usr << "You cannot go Super Saiyan while you are using Kaioken."
a) Don't use Zeta code. People will only hate you for it, and the only ones that'll ever join your game are your "friends" (who just are power hungry freaks), administrators (also known as "GMs" or "close 'friends'"), and newbies who don't know what to do.

b) To add music to your game, all you have to do is use this little snippet:

world<<sound('blah.wav') //replace world with your target

Look up more information on the /sound datum and the sound() proc (which just creates the datum).

This is bount to change with BYOND 4.0, where an array of new features will be added that sounds wonderful.
In response to Phoenix Man
Thanks we will remove zeta coding in v5 which is being worked on as we speak thanks though
In response to Govegtos
Govegtos wrote:
Thanks we will remove zeta coding in v5 which is being worked on as we speak thanks though

Well, I was thinking more in the lines of making the entire "game" dissappear. Dragonball Zeta games aren't exactly new to BYOND; they've longly been milked out.

Hell, make any game except for a Dragonball Zeta game.

You're probably thinking right now: "This game will be totally different from all other Dragonball Zeta games, because ...".

Yeah. That's what they ALL think. You should really consider quitting that Dragonball Zeta game and starting another game. Please. How many Dragonball Zeta games are in the hub already? Yes. I know. 973 Dragonball Ze--

YEAH! We're almost to the 1000th rip! C'mon, keep em' streaming people! When we get to the 1000 we'll be rated as the "Most People Who Rip Games" engine in the world!


But I'm not going to let this turn into a rant. Noope. Not me.

*walks off*
In response to Govegtos
Now i get this message proc expression

The code i have is

Kamehameha(mob/characters/M in oview(6))
set name = "Kamehameha"
set category = "Fighting"
var/amount = input("How much energy do you wish to put into it?") as num|null
amount = round(amount)

if(amount >= 1)
if(amount > usr.powerlevel)
usr.kame = 1
usr << sound('kamehame.wav')
usr << sound('ha.wav')
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>Kaaaa....."
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>Meeee....."
usr.overlays += /obj/kame
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>Haaaa....."
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>Meeee....."
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>HAAAA!!!!!"
view(6) << "<font color = red>From putting too much energy in the Kame Hame Ha wave, [usr] explodes!"
usr.overlays -= /obj/kame
usr.powerlevel = 0
usr.kame = 0
usr.overlays -= /obj/kame
if(amount <= usr.powerlevel)
usr.kame = 1
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>Kaaaa....."
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>Meeee....."
usr.overlays += /obj/kame
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>Haaaa....."
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>Meeee....."
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>HAAAA!!!!!"
usr.overlays -= /obj/kame
if(M.z == usr.z)
usr.overlays -= /obj/kame
s_missile('kame.dmi', usr, M)
usr.kame = 0
usr.powerlevel -= amount
if(M.absorb == 1)
view(6) << "[M] absorbs [usr]'s kamehameha!"
M.powerlevel += amount
if(M.absorb == 0)
M.powerlevel -= amount
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr] shoots a kamehameha at [M]!!!"
usr << "<b>You launch your Kamehameha, but [M] is out of sight."
usr.overlays -= /obj/kame
usr.kame = 0

And heres are lines 608 and 609
                    usr << sound('kamehame.wav')
usr << sound('ha.wav')

How can i fix this
In response to Govegtos
Hint: Indention.

Or even better: hint, hint, hint, and hint.