In response to Elation
Thanks Bunnie
In response to N1ghtW1ng
N1ghtW1ng wrote:
Let's try not to be hypocrytical. You have a zeta rip also.

its dead...(well its online a once or twice in a week ;it has a few fans.) I'm only trying to say to him not to make the same mistake I made. It teached me horrible ways of doing things in DM ,I did all sorts of things wrong. and it took me a while to realise. I got attacked for it several times here on the forums but I didn't take anything serious. I always kept as argument that I will edit to non-zeta and that I wanted to learn how to code, now I realise how wrong I was. The reason that I didn't(and wont) delete it was because there are people who really like the game, I'm updating it once in 3 or 4 weeks, someone is hosting it a few times. thats all I do about the game. I don't take that game as a serious project.

govegtos, you should take my words serious, you will regret this later trust me you really will. it has a lot of abuse in it and its poorly made. It will teach you bad ways of doing things.The code style is just...ugly. Read the DM-guide! and start working on a original game!
In response to Elation
That is the best way to put it =P
In response to N1ghtW1ng

Why is everyone getting pissed about the way a guy codes HIS game? (even though it's a zeta rip......)

Just let the guy learn his mistakes, and correct them as he goes! If he screws up, teach him his mistakes, and point out the problems with some constructive critisiscim, rather than flame him about him being a noob and to stop zeta ripping. Even if what the guy is doing is not original, he could probably figure out some things just from the experience.
In response to Cloud73
Cloud73 wrote:


Just let the guy learn his mistakes, and correct them as he goes! If he screws up, teach him his mistakes,

He screwed up when he took the Zeta source. We're teaching him his mistakes, but he refuses to listen.

and point out the problems with some constructive critisiscim, rather than flame him about him being a noob and to stop zeta ripping.

The Zeta ripping is what makes him have the problems in the first place.

Even if what the guy is doing is not original, he could probably figure out some things just from the experience.

Nope. The only thing you learn is how to fail.
In response to O-matic
I just played your zeta rip, O-matic. :p

It's has some of the worst spelling I've ever seen in a BYOND game! ;)
Govegtos wrote:
I am wanting to know if i there was a way for me restric transformations for a certain race meaning only that race can be transformed

> obj
> kaitransform
> verb
> Transform()
> set category = "Fighting"
> set name = "Kai Transfomation"
> switch(input("Which form do you wish to Transform/Revert?","Transform",text) in list("Super Kai","Form Three","Revert","None"))
> if("Super Kai")
> if(usr.state == "kai race normal.dmi")
> if(usr.maxpowerlevel >= 45000000)
> view(6) << "<font color = green>-[]<font color = white> begins to transform!-"
> usr.icon = 'kairacesuper.dmi'
> usr.powerlevel = usr.maxpowerlevel * 3
> usr.state = "Super Kai"
> else
> usr << "<i>You still are too weak...."
> else
> usr << "<b>You must be in Normal."
> if("Revert")
> if(usr.state=="Normal")
> usr << "You are reverted already."
> else
> view(6) << "<font color = green>-[]<font color = white> begins to revert from [usr.state]-"
> flick("revert",usr)
> usr.icon = 'kai race normal.dmi'
> usr.state = "Normal"
> if(usr.powerlevel >= usr.maxpowerlevel)
> usr.powerlevel = usr.maxpowerlevel

How can i do that any pointers please

Well aside from NOT using the Zeta source as stated earlier here's a much better way of handling transformation's for individual races.
return ..()
return ..()
if(!..()) return
usr<<"You transform into a Super Saiyan!"
if(!..()) return
usr<<"You revert to a Saiyan!"
if(!..()) return
usr<<"You transform into a Super Namek!"
if(!..()) return
usr<<"You revert to a Namek!"
In response to Elation

Let's look now to the problem of Thomas Jefferson, we see that, while he was trying to invent the lightbulb, one person had asked him how he manages to continue his work after failing 100 times to find a way to keep a lightbulb translucent for more than 3 seconds. To this he responded,"I didn't fail! I found 100 ways NOT to make a lightbulb."

Even if he's learning how to fail, that's why we help him to know how to do it. He learns on his own the ways not to do it.
In response to Cloud73
Cloud73 wrote:

Let's look now to the problem of Thomas Jefferson, we see that, while he was trying to invent the lightbulb, one person had asked him how he manages to continue his work after failing 100 times to find a way to keep a lightbulb translucent for more than 3 seconds. To this he responded,"I didn't fail! I found 100 ways NOT to make a lightbulb."

Even if he's learning how to fail, that's why we help him to know how to do it. He learns on his own the ways not to do it.

I think you mean Thomas Edison. =P
In response to Teh Governator
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
It's has some of the worst spelling I've ever seen in a BYOND game! ;)

O-matic wrote:
The reason that I didn't(and wont) delete it was because there are people who really like the game, I'm updating it once in 3 or 4 weeks, someone is hosting it a few times. thats all I do about the game. I don't take that game as a serious project.


In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
Cloud73 wrote:


Just let the guy learn his mistakes, and correct them as he goes! If he screws up, teach him his mistakes,

He screwed up when he took the Zeta source. We're teaching him his mistakes, but he refuses to listen.

yes you're right there. a month ago I realised what I was doing. Zeta teached me bad ways of doing things, I regret that I started the game. but I'm stuck at the game now
it has fans and they're expecting me to update it all the time and to see it as a serious project. They just like the game, I can't remove it.. once in 2 or 3 weeks (or something like that) I update it and add something. I'm online at the game sometimes.
but my point is, I started using Zeta and now I can't delete it because I don't want to disapoint the fans. I'm really ashamed here about this :p. If it didn't have any fans then the bub entry would be gone.
Govegtos, this is the last time you'll hear this from me: Delete the Zeta source, NOW!

Even if what the guy is doing is not original, he could probably figure out some things just from the experience.

Nope. The only thing you learn is how to fail.

well.. I couldn't code at all when I started to use the Zeta source. but I did learn something. Only the ways of doing it was 90% wrong. but the funnie part is that I never realised untill this. [link]
that made me realise what I'm doing.
since then I started to learn how to do things normally by reading the dm-guide again and looking at some demos/libraries.

Just a reminder, this is the "Code Problems" section of the Developer Forum. Not the "Create the code for me so I can copy and paste it into my game" section. I'm afraid we don't have one of those. :)

In response to Cloud73
Cloud73 wrote:
Even if he's learning how to fail, that's why we help him to know how to do it. He learns on his own the ways not to do it.

Nope. You're completely wrong.

He's learning how to fail, but he thinks he's learning how to code.

It'd be okay if he realised he was failing (badly), and then changed his actions from then on. But he's not, as our repeated attempts to sway him have shown in the past. He thinks he is 'coding', making his own game, 'learning' DM.

He's not. He's learning the bad ways to do things, and thinking they are the right ways.

Don't try and justify him making a rip. It's moronic.
In response to Elation
Elation I do realise what I did, didn't you read my post? :p

EDIT: Woops, you were talking about govegtos (I think..)

In response to Cloud73
but if Tomas jefferson did it right the first time then he would learn how to do it and how not to do it. ;P

In response to O-matic
O-matic wrote:
Elation I do realise what I did, didn't you read my post? :p

EDIT: Woops, you were talking about govegtos (I think..)

You would be correct on your second judgement!
In response to O-matic
In response to Ol' Yeller
Ol' Yeller wrote:

heh, well I said what he said :p.

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