I was wondering if the following could be implemented at some point:
obj/gateway/var/density = 1
obj/gateway/var/opacity = list(
NORTH = locate(5, 5, 1)
SOUTH = 1,
EAST = 1,
WEST = 1,
NORTHEAST = locate(5, 5, 1),
NORTHWEST = locate(5, 5, 1),
Two changes:
1. Allow opacity to be split up by direction.
2. By providing a reference to a /turf object the game would render everything from the perspective of that turf. Instead of blackness you would see an entirely different area.
Purposes include: one-way mirrors, magic windows/gateways that show other areas, setting up parallax environments.
It would be a purely visual change. You should be able to click on stuff exposed by this but the click should occur on the object that causes the illusion (possibly with a reference to the object you clicked on, but this is a lower priority in my case & something that could always be implemented later).