Code: runtime error: Maximum recursion level reached (perhaps there is an infinite loop)
To avoid this safety check, set world.loop_checks=0.
proc name: Login (/mob/Login)
usr: Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest)
src: Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest)
call stack:
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Sukotto (/mob/characters/BombermanQuest): Login()
Nintendork (/mob/other/choosing_character): CreateNewCharacter()
Nintendork (/mob/other/choosing_character): Login()</b>

Problem description:

Not sure if this is in the right forum, but when I used the program "Icon Chatterz Source", everything had felt fine, until I replaced the author's key with my key. Now whenever I log on, I get the text above, my character isn't saved (unless it actually feels like saving sometimes), and it sometimes think my key (Nintendork) and my name (Sukotto) are two different people! Help please! Thanks!
No use stolen source ungh.

In response to Jiskuha
It's open source... Here's the code, by the way:

set category = "Host"
set name = "Host Shutdown"
world << "Server shutting down in 20 seconds."
boot(mob/M in world)//A boot command with a reason (if you have one)
set category="Host"//Category
set name="Host Boot"//Name
set desc="Boots a someone or something out of the game."//Description
M << "[] has booted you."//Just says this
del(M)//Deletes the booted player
world << "<font color=purple>[] has booted [M]."
mute(mob/o in world)
set category = "Host"
set name = "Host Mute"
if(o.mute == 1)
world << "<font color=purple>[o] has been unmuted by Host [src]!"
o.mute = 0
return 0
if(o.mute == 0)
world << "<font color=purple>[o] has been muted by Host [src]!"
o.mute = 1
return 0
set name="Host Reboot"
set desc="Reboots the world."
set category="Host"
if(alert("Are you sure?","Reboot","Yes","No") == "Yes")
if(alert("Are you sure?","Reboot World","Yes","No") == "Yes")
world<<"Server rebooting in 10 seconds!"

announce(message as message)
set category="Host"
set name = "Host announce"
set desc = "(message) Announce something to all players logged in"
C.mob << "<hr><center><font color=purple><b>Announcement From Host [src]:</b><br>[message]</font></center><hr>"
world_name(msg as text)
set category="Host"
set name="Host World Name"
set desc="Changes the name of the world.""[msg]"
summon(mob/M in world)
set category="Host"
set name="Host Summon"
set desc="Brings someone or something to you."
M << "[usr] has summoned you!"
usr << "You have summoned [M]."
Goto_Player(mob/M in world)
set category="Host"
set name ="Host Goto Player"
set desc="Goto a player"
M << "[usr] appears before you!"
usr << "You appear before0 [M]."
Host_Add_Underlay(var/mob/o as mob in world, var/f as icon)
set category = "Host"
o.underlays += f
Host_Remove_Underlay(var/mob/o as mob in world, var/f as icon)
set category = "Host"
o.underlays = null
Host_Remove_Overlay(var/mob/o as mob in world, var/f as icon)
set category = "Host"
o.overlays = null
Host_Add_Overlay(var/mob/o as mob in world, var/f as icon)
set category = "Host"
o.underlays += f
set category="Host"
set name ="Host Goto Start"
set desc="Goto the Start"
usr.loc = locate(2,2,1)
In response to Nintendork
Just because you got it off the HUB doesnt mean it is open source.

If you got it off Arothsa or Light Samurai then it would be fine. But you didnt.
In response to Smoko
I just downloaded it! Eesh, some help you guys are.

Anyone here willing to help me and not scold me?
In response to Nintendork
Nintendork wrote:
I just downloaded it! Eesh, some help you guys are.

Anyone here willing to help me and not scold me?

No. You'll find really no one is willing to help you pass off someone else's game/project as your own. The Icon Chatterz source (which is a disaster anyway) has been passed around a lot, to no one's benefit. You'd do well to abandon it and start fresh.

Lummox JR