(See the best response by LordAndrew.)
Code: just copy the link and past its the icon

Problem description:I am coding a technique (the technique is supossed to appear in enemy and give damage, i cannot code the pieces) either i get error of bad coding our in game they do not appear, i erased the code i used, ive been over this shit for 1 month +, please help me out, (i think ive been coding as objects) i dont know anything anymore
Best response
Hi there HIGKILLER1.

There are two ways you could go about this: create a base object and use two for () loops to build the entire thing piece-by-piece (you'd want to add each piece to the overlays of the base object and specify a pixel_x and pixel_y offset in order to have the pieces be placed properly), or you could just combine the pieces together in the icon itself, as BYOND supports large icons being rendered on the map. The second method can either be done by hand or you could probably put together a small script in DM to do it for you.
whats the best way and how to do it?