    switch(input("What Is Your Gender") in list ("Male","Female"))
if ("Male")
usr.genders = "Gender"
if ("Female")
usr.genders = "Female"

Problem description:k when i use this code it sets my gender as genders and idk why

Kinda obvious there

    switch(input("What Is Your Gender") in list ("Male","Female"))
if ("Male")
src.genders = "Male" // <---it was called, "Gender" y? idk
if ("Female")
src.genders = "Female"

Oh, dont use usr, use src cuz here id think usr would work. (or does it? I stay away from usr in Login crap)
In response to Lou
Maybe you should look at every line of coding before you call it problem.
In response to Lou
its in a proc so id think it does im not sure on that ask Lummox Jr
In response to Lou
If you are gonna give advice, give good advice.

    switch(input(src,"What Is Your Gender") in list ("Male","Female")) // *
if ("Male")
src.gender = "Male" // **
if ("Female")
src.gender = "Female"

*Since Lou switched everything to src, might as well remain consistant. Some procs like: oview(), view(),input(), viewers(), oviewers(), range(), and orange() default to usr. You have to set the reference to the mob, which would be src in this case. Just so you know, you don't need to use src, if it isn't a proc. It's a good idea to use src, or reference the mob in a proc, but sometimes in procs like Click, and Dblclick you don't need to.

** There is a build-in-var called mob.gender. You can use that instead, which is probably what you meant to do.

In response to SummonerHater
Since it is in a proc, look at my post.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
OOps...i forgot the switch thingy...dumbass advice on my part. My bad. Sry bout that. And the gender built in thing too
In response to N1ghtW1ng
ya i found out about that proc when i got the error about a built in proc or what ever
In response to SummonerHater
Usually you get that error from an indentation error.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
lol i cant rember but i looked it up and found out about it and now i can use that for some ideas i had befor but couldnt do because i didnt no about this
Why do you have a switch here?

gender = input(src, "What is your gender?") in list ("male", "female")

Also, if you do use the gender variable \he macros and such may only work with lowercase genders.