/Growl. You don't need 3 separate lists for something that one list can handle all by itself. I think you need to rethink your design there, and think about perhaps using an associative list.

Also, why don't ya'll look into datums and the proper use of a datum? Datums would come in handy here, considering there's a a limit to the number of mobs you can have, IIRC. Using a datum would cut down on the number of mobs you'll be creating, and it'll be a good organizer.
In response to Rky_nick
Rky_nick wrote:
if(key == "KEYNAMEHERE")
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Staff_Say
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Level_Player
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Reboot
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Shutdown_World
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Add_God
verbs += /mob/God/verb/World_Mute
verbs += /mob/God/verb/World_Unmute
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Add_Admin
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Add_GM
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Set_World_Status
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Edit
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Create
verbs += /mob/God/verb/ServerEnd
verbs += /mob/God/verb/IP_checker
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Add_Temp
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Log_delete
verbs += /mob/God/verb/View_Log
verbs += /mob/God/verb/GM_Say
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Shutdown_World
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Mute
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Add_GM
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Boot
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Restore_Player
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Mute
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Boot
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Restore_Player
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Key_Ban
verbs += /mob/God/verb/IP_Ban
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Full_Ban
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Un_Key_Ban
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Un_IP_Ban
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Un_Full_Ban
verbs += /mob/God/verb/play_song_to_world
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Announce
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Unmute
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Mute
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Boot
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Announce
verbs += /mob/God/verb/Admin_Chat

you'd get alot of duplicate definition errors

why would he want to go through with all that mess, when its simplier to do this:
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/God/verb)

you guys should really leave the zeta mess well enough alone.
In response to Twizted1
Because some levels may not have access to certain verbs, but in that case, he should separate them into a different sub-type.
In response to Audeuro
true, but not list it like the zeta game did. i mean it would work none the less, but it would look crappy, and take up alot of space. i think the way he has it, with the levels to call certain verbs looks good, but thats just my opinion.
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