        MakeBug(new mob)
var/mob/bug/bug = new(loc)

Problem description:please dont laugh at me im comepletly new to code, i hardly understand it but i do. it says bad argument definition. Its under mob/verb

I don't think you need the new mob in the parenthesis. Also, specify the location. Ex :
//make it papear at the usr's location :
var/mob/bug/bug = new
bug.loc = usr.loc//you can do this since you defined the new mob as the bug var

// -or-

//a specific location
bug.loc = locate(1,1,1)
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
it gives me another error:
Invalid proc definition

var/mob/bug/bug = new
bug.loc = usr.loc //location
bug.loc = locate (1,1,1)
In response to WarLin
Please use
tags. And that was an example, apparantly you didn't get it.

mob/verb/Make_Bug() // This is a new verb, must have opening and closing parenthesis no matter what.
var/mob/bug/bug=new(locate(1,1,1)) // This defines a variable called bug, which states that there is to be a new /mob/bug if the coordinates 1,1,1 are located, at 1,1,1.

However, what you want to do is, if you aren't going to use a "bug" var..
new /mob/bug(usr.loc) // This can be replaced with new /mob/bug(locate(1,1,1))
In response to Sinoflife
I get it now. Thanks.

Dont forget though, I dont know much about coding
In response to WarLin
Oh..My fault..I didn't say that you could use either or..