#if DM_VERSION >= 455
world/map_format = TILED_ICON_MAP
name = "Pokemon World of Black and White"
hub_password = "" //There is one, but not displayed here
view = "19x17"//8
loop_checks = 0
hub = "CrystalO.Pokemon:WorldofBlackandWhite"
version = 3
icon_size = 32
status="Main Server"
Problem description: My problem is that I can't get this game to connect to the hub. I have gotten help from 2 fairly good coders and still haven't the slightly clue to what I'm doing wrong. I have never had this problem before.
BYOND Key: Crystal_O (That is a letter at the end)
URL: http://www.byond.com/games/Crystal_O/ PokemonWorldofBlackandWhite
Hub Path: CrystalO.PokemonWorldofBlackandWhite
If you can help, please assist me. Thank you in advance.