if(usr.key in players)
usr<<"<font color = red><B><CENTER>~Welcome to §ouloron~<BR><font color = white><BR>~~~~~Rules~~~~~</B></center><font color = blue><br>1.AFK/EZ Macroing/Training is NOT allowed. If you are caught doing that your character will be permanently deleted.<BR>2.Killing/Attacking players under level 5 is illegal.<BR>3.Be nice to people and GMs, and listen to all what GMs say.<BR>4.DO NOT rip from the game (Souloron).<BR>5.Execssive mass player killing is bannable offense. <BR>6.If you know about a bug/exploit and either abuse it or not report it, you can get banned.<BR><font color = yellow><B><CENTER>Enjoy playing §ouloron!</CENTER></b></font>"
world<<"<<B><font size = 1>System Message: <font color = red>[] has entered!</b>"
world<<"<B><font size = 1>System Message: <font color = blue>[] has been connected!"
var/random = rand(1,3)
if(random >= 1)
usr.loc = locate(7,7,20)
if(random >= 2)
usr.loc = locate(7,50,20)
if(random >= 3)
usr.loc = locate(7,94,20)
Okay so that is the LogIn code....
And as you seen, when you connect before you enter it just say you connected... but when I try load, it supposed to know your key is in players... but it doesnt know it, and re-say u connected, and re-does the random thing, instand taking me to my last x/y/z... anyone know wtf goingon? xD
runtime error: Cannot read null.key
proc name: CheckBan (/mob/proc/CheckBan)
usr: Souloron (/mob)
src: Souloron (/mob)
call stack:
Souloron (/mob): CheckBan(null)
Souloron (/mob): Login()
Souloron (/client): New()
I wonder why it dont know my key, if it know my btw, if I make it to only usr it still dun work xD