Bleach: Void

by Sennalove
Bleach: Void
Welcome to the Roleplay world of Bleach Void.
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Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Through this post, suggest to us what do you want to make the game better than it was before.
Better Rp reward system, or something along the lines. Events that are structured properly. Larger playerbase, 24/7 hosting or admins on 24/7. Fun stuff. No drama between admins always helps.
Ya being vague on the RP reward system, what's the flaw in it to improve on? The player base isn't a factor you directly can work on; unless you meant advertising.

How about an update on the skin? If that hasn't happened yet.
Rp reward system was flawed; admins were unable to do log checks and rp with the first system and with the second players disliked being weak for an entire day at a time and seeing no progress immmediately. But thats just what I saw.
"admins were unable to do log checks and rp with the first system and with the second players disliked being weak for an entire day at a time and seeing no progress immediately"

What are they complaining about, this isn't PVP, you have to start weak before you grow. Do you even see someone start lifting weights and LOLGet bulk in one hrs? The daily check is better than weekly check. This first system was used for only short wiping games with a cap level AKA BLH or BWOTS. This is just a bleach game you are RP on, if you don't like the daily progression, you go play the other two bleach rips up.

Part of the reason I take it do, you guys complain for the simplest of things anyone can bypass.
Kewl, so is the game going up?
Whenever it's needed again.