So, here we go. Copyrighted works, original, blah blah.
Fight for Glory! -- Battle for Solaris battle theme (3.97MB)
A fairly simple, moderately repetitive battle theme, but I really like the harmonic interaction between the horns.
Pacifia -- my attempt at a cheerful song (1.22MB)
I had been accused of being incapable of making a song that didn't sound dark and dreary, so I made this. The result? A cheery song that sounds dark and dreary if you read between the lines. I ultimately dedicated this to my former cat Perdy...
Victory Parade -- Battle for Solaris victory theme (2.44MB)
I originally wrote this to be the theme that plays when someone successfully wins the whole Solarian war, but realised that such a thing would never happen... so it's now just another song.
Space Ace -- (2.67MB)
This was written for my final year of high school, for a Space Invaders clone I was making in my Info Tech 12 class. Macromedia Director wouldn't accept the whole song, however, so I was forced to use only a tiny subsection of the song. This is the unabridged song, and I consider it to be my very best MP3 recording.
Stellar Tactics -- Battle for Solaris logistics theme (2.75MB)
I wrote this song to be the background theme that played in logistics mode, which is to say any time ships aren't blowing holes in one another. However, it wound up being too cheery for my tastes, so I scrubbed it. Again, it's now just another song.
I do have a few more, but I only have 20MB of space and I couldn't fit them all anyway. ;-)
Incidentally, the songs do have some timing errors, but that's only because of the freeware MP3 encoder I used, which horribly munged the encoding at times -- the MIDI files have proper timing. It's most notable in tactics.mp3.
edit: Through all of these, a suggestion I'd have is to make it less painfully obvious that it's all done in a midi editor. I'd recommend changing volume/consistency occasionally to provide variation. Not bad compisitions though!