var/mob/Monster/Sludge/S = new
S.loc = locate(1,34,2)

Problem description:
Monster dosent go where its supposed to, but it is in the game, when teleporting to the monster I meet a black screen, I can summon them to the point in question though.

I have searched through all my code and I cant think of why it would be doing this.

new mob/Monster/Sludge(1,34,2)
In response to Mysame
Mysame wrote:
new mob/Monster/Sludge(1,34,2)

You'll have to use <code>locate()</code> to make that work.

new mob/Monster/Sludge(locate(1,34,2))
In response to Mega fart cannon
Hey thanks cannon, that seems to work, I wonder why my longer way didnt work, it should have, worked in the past, oh well.
In response to Shades
Thanks for correcting me cannon, forgot if it was needed or not.. :/
Well if you still wanted to use the var as a shortcut, this would work also:
var/mob/Monster/Sludge/S = new(loc=locate(1,34,2))