script = "<STYLE>BODY {background: black; color: silver} IMG.icon{width:64;height:64}</STYLE>"

Problem description:
code\ var
I didn't even touch it and it stopped working
What is a 'zclient'

You can't get zee client to work because zee client doesn't need zee there. Don't lean on the keyboard, and then copy stupid stuff onto the forums to fix your typo.
In response to Kalzar
Should be client not zclient.
In response to XzDoG
Too true lmao
In response to VcentG
These are forums, not a chatroom. If you have nothing more to offer then 'Me too!', go back to AOL.
In response to Jp
hey your all being a little too d**k headed arent ya he was only asking you didnt actually need to reply if you had nothing nice to say did you?
In response to FaceOff Productions
Please look at the person I was ACTUALLY replying too. Note that he was being an idiot, and breaking a forum rule. Also note that you are being an idiot.

I did need to reply - The person I was ACTUALLY replying needs to know that this is a forum, not a chatroom, and that he can't go around making posts which merely state 'Me Too! LMAOROFLLOL!'. He will get in trouble, and he'll waste bandwidth.
In response to FaceOff Productions
That was my mistake. I use Ctrl+Z to fix mistakes and it seems I missed the control key. So let's all just stand up walk away and pretend this never happened.
In response to Jp
erm.... dose it look like i care the problem is your all to used to being synical to help any one your so far up your own arses to do anything but complain and moan when anyone asks for help....
In response to FaceOff Productions
FaceOff, don't start like that now. The only hypocrit here, is you. Before you start flame wars, look and read. To who is he saying it? Why is he saying it?
If you don't do these actions before posting, you always end up in a flamewar where you don't want to accept you've been wrong, so you keep on flaming just to be tough. Let me tell you, it's not working, never will, and you'd better drop it. He's absolutely right.
In response to FaceOff Productions
Can you read? You certainly appear to be functionally illiterate. Please read my post, and note that I was replying to the AOL-esque "Me Too LMAO!" post by VCentG. Not the person who actually started the thread.

Additionally, please learn what cynical means, and how to spell it, before you attempt to use it in regular conversation.

Finally, note that I do actually help people, quite often. In this case, the problem was solvered before I got here, but there were people being stupid and chatspeaky. I told them not to be stupid and chatspeaky. Without once swearing at them, too!
In response to Mysame
............ i really cant be arsed to continue arguing over the internet its quiet pathetic once you think about it so where do you live lol....... nah just joking really but yall are being a bit stingy he was actually only asking for help so is any one going to help? cos it would be apreciated.
In response to FaceOff Productions
Yes, he only asks for help and then calls people idiots. Why should we help him?