Urf... This was painful to look at.
Ter13 wrote:
Urf... This was painful to look at. I know the feels. It's purely excruciating that you even had to put up with the responses. Lol. Let's all learn a lesson from this and realize that the people asking these questions and sounding like idiots actually do want to lose their status as idiots. So, let's change things around and take the time to educate them directly! Who's going to start? |
To be fair, I'm grateful to Vortezz, Lexy, Deadron, Skysaw, Leftley, Guggems, and Lummox for basically treating me like a moron. One, I was a moron at the time, and two, it made me try that much harder to understand. Eventually, I stopped asking questions at the first sign of trouble and started thinking for myself.
I honestly think that thinking for yourself is the first step to actually learning how to program. Until you start doing that, there's nothing anyone can say or do to help you. To some degree, ego is a big barrier to learning how to program. You can't believe you are infallible when you have a compiler error. If you believe that you didn't make a mistake, you will never be able to learn from it. If you believe you know what you are doing, you will never question what you are doing, and actually change. We get a classic "give me the code" thread at least three times a week over on Developer Help. I started that way, and you did too. Back then people were disagreeing about how to handle it too. Some people thought being mean was the solution, and some people thought being kind was the solution. Me? I prefer "tough, but fair.", which is what I've been trying to be on Dev Help the last 9 months-ish. I know it's helped a small handful, and probably chased away a few. (Let's be honest, they would have quit later on, anyway. I just made them realize that they weren't interested in putting the work in, and thus, saved them time.) I dunno. Like I said, I appreciate it looking back on it, even if back then it was horribly distressing. I'd like to think that 5-6 years from now, this thread will be looked back on with just as much cringe by the OP as we are now, looking back at our own: http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=1544285 And he'll be better for it. |
I'm crying right now at the posts I've made in the past.. Yet, I'm also glad that I was bashed so much to the point that I gave up on rips and fan-based content years ago. Still, I'm the guy that prefers to be kind to a person who sounds like a moron.. until I reach my limit.
I've got many shoot me now threads that I don't know where to start. I believe I am missing quite a few of them though, maybe I deleted them at some point. I also worked too hard to avoid using lists whenever possible, because I never could understand them.
I like to think that I am a little better these days, but still have far to go. |
GamerMania wrote:
Here you go, Ter13. Not really embarrassing, but LOL! xD lmao |
LOL! Wow, Ter. A wild imagination you have there. I'd delete that if I were you. Lmfao.
Eh. Being a bored kid, not able to afford drugs, trying to be funny at the time. I'd say I succeeded... Just not in the way I intended at the time. I think that's a sufficient /thread material, though. --Anyway, I've got a broken hand due to a mishap moving a new washer/dryer into my apartment. Gonna take some Vicodin and pass out.
Says here..
Call your doctor at once if you have: shallow breathing, slow heartbeat; a light-headed feeling, like you might pass out; confusion, unusual thoughts or behavior; seizure (convulsions); easy bruising or bleeding; or nausea, upper stomach pain, itching, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes). Common Vicodin side effects include: drowsiness; upset stomach, constipation; headache; blurred vision; or dry mouth. Sure you want to take that stuff? Seems serious. Where I'm from, we tough it up. We sit down, take the pain like a man, even if you're a female, and if we cry, we get beat. Try it. It gives you a rush. P.S. I hope you feel better. ._. |
Lol. Took me a while to get it. A few seconds. Then I realized what you did. Good one, Keeth. Lol.
How 'bout making the most embarassing "Farewell" video known to mankind way before Youtube exploded, taking a huge proverbial dump on an entire community in the process, never to be heard of again afterwards?
Yep, this guy did just that. Thank the flying speghetti monster I grew as a person! |
I'm not even sure if there's a link to that video out there. I know I erased it from my hard drive a long time ago. If anyone finds it, feel free to post it, but I sure as hell won't watch it. Saying that "cringe-inducing" is an understatement for this case would be an understatement itself.
Oh yeah mine too. To be fair.
http://www.byond.com/members/ Zecronious?command=view_post&post=440317&first_unread=1 |
Vortezz wrote:
Ouch. And people tell me I'm harsh. ;P