I am using Spuzzum's armour system demo and i am having problems with it.
My problem is when i attack a monster no damage is reduced, what i want to know is if and how i can add armour to monsters and other items i.e. Bob and Paul are the same monster, but Paul has chain mail so technically Paul takes less damage. How will this be done?
The check armour part of his demo is unchanged and on the hub that is why i havent added any code.
Thanks, Ajmoore
Dec 20 2005, 8:14 am
In response to Nathan2022001
Well i have an armour code and weapons and everything, its just i dont know how to give a monster a weapon or armour i.e. give a mob an obj and for it to use it.
In response to Ajmoore
You can just adjust its stats, and add an overlay on New().
In response to Mysame
Forget about it i have fixed it myself.
Thanks for the help anyway, Ajmoore |
that is for one weapon,unfortunatley it is a big code,but it does the job...if you need anymore help [email protected] - add me!