Galaxia is almost to a stable enough point to be tested, and possibly released. However, I am having trouble doing the testing and creating at the same time.
Thus, I have decided to make an event for earning the ability to be a alpha tester for Galaxia.
To Win:
Create a illustration/image that you think would suit Galaxia as a "front" screen image. You can include colors, black and white, words, etc... into your entry.
What You Win:
The ability to test Galaxia before anyone else, having your tag coded into Galaxia so you are not required to be a byond member to obtain the extra features, and most importantly the ability to help shape Galaxia into a much better game as I will be relying on your feedbac and suggestions for upcoming updates.
The contest starts today, and will end on 01/05/2014 11:59pm EST.
Event Dec 28 2013, 7:00 pm
to Jan 4 2014, 7:00 pm ID:1456805 Dec 29 2013, 12:34 pm
Here is the link to the hub to get an idea for what Galaxia is about: