turf //this can be obj as well - doesnt make sense to make it a mob though
//not sure if it can be an area..you can try it out if you want..
startbutton //self explainitory..
icon = 'ts.dmi' //if you have an entire icon file for just the start button (why?) then just put the name of
//it here and ignore icon_state
icon_state = "start" //else pick out the one you need
Click() //when clicked..
src.loc=locate(1,1,1) //..locate them to a desired location ^_^
//you can also call any character creation procs in this part instead of just locating them ^_^
loadbutton //guess ^_^
icon = 'ts.dmi'
icon_state = "load"
//call your loading stuff here
quitbutton //not needed, i just like to include Quit
icon = 'ts.dmi'
icon_state = "quit"
Click() //when this one is clicked
world << "[src] has logged out"
del(src) //it logs the usr out
//in the quitbutton part you can also just call Logout() ^^
Problem description:
i am trying to make a title page but when i do this it says cant change start up value or sumething like that, but when i put:
src.loc = locate(put the coordinates of the title here)
it says undefined variable