turf //this can be obj as well - doesnt make sense to make it a mob though
//not sure if it can be an can try it out if you want..
startbutton //self explainitory..
icon = 'ts.dmi' //if you have an entire icon file for just the start button (why?) then just put the name of
//it here and ignore icon_state
icon_state = "start" //else pick out the one you need
Click() //when clicked..
src.loc=locate(1,1,1) //..locate them to a desired location ^_^
//you can also call any character creation procs in this part instead of just locating them ^_^
loadbutton //guess ^_^
icon = 'ts.dmi'
icon_state = "load"
//call your loading stuff here
quitbutton //not needed, i just like to include Quit
icon = 'ts.dmi'
icon_state = "quit"
Click() //when this one is clicked
world << "[src] has logged out"
del(src) //it logs the usr out
//in the quitbutton part you can also just call Logout() ^^

Problem description:

i am trying to make a title page but when i do this it says cant change start up value or sumething like that, but when i put:
src.loc = locate(put the coordinates of the title here)

it says undefined variable
...the "put the coordinates of the title here" part you were sopposed to replace with accual coordinates. Like if the title screen was on the coordinates 1,1,1 then you would put:

src.loc = locate(1,1,1)
..did you just copy paste that from my post? you were meant to LEARN from it. if you copy paste everything your shown, your never going to learn how it all works! I'm pretty sure you didnt read the example I gave you. How do I know? An example of how locate works is part of the Click procedure for the Start button. -_-

regards your question, the answers are all the DM Guide, the helpfiles included with the program, the tutorials, numourous (actually, pretty much ALL) libraries/demos, DM Referance and probably the Developer FAQ as well.

get reading.
In response to KirbyRules
i did replace it i edited everything to fit but it didnt work