Lightsaber_Attack(mob/M in oview(2))
set category = "Skills"
set name = "Lightsaber Attack"
if(M.ko >= 1) usr<<"[M] is already knocked out." // Just in case M is not a human.
view()<<"<font color = blue>[usr] attempts to attack [M] with Their Lightsaber."
if(prob(66)) view()<< "[M] blocks [usr]'s attack."
M.Life -= 0
else //Error Right Here!!!
M.Life -= usr.punchstrength
oview(7) <<"<font color = azure>[] attacks []with a Lightsaber"

Problem description:It says Char Moves + Inconsistent indentation. 4 times,any help?

As you can see it's a preaty basic attack code.

Well, sometimes theres a very stupid thing that BYOND does. This is it.

Ok, replace all the indents. If they are lined up correctly it should work.
In response to RedlineM203
In response to RedlineM203
No, not just if they are lined up correctly, they must be all formatted one way. You can't mix tabs with spaces and vice-versa, it must be all tabs or all spaces, tabs being preferred.
In response to Audeuro
Audeuro wrote:
No, not just if they are lined up correctly, they must be all formatted one way. You can't mix tabs with spaces and vice-versa, it must be all tabs or all spaces, tabs being preferred.

Eh.. I meant that but hey.