// For each menu item, we'll create an HTML link in a table.
// The Topic() proc gets called when a link is clicked.
// The src setting tells it to call Topic() for this object.
var/menu_rows = ""
for (var/item in menu)
menu_rows += {"<tr><td align="center"><a href="?menu=choosing_character;choice=[item];src=\ref[src]">\[[item]]</a></td></tr>"}

var/page = {"
<body bgcolor=blue scroll=no>
<img scr=lastwarriorbanner.bmp>
<b><i>Choose a character</i></b><br><br>
<table border=1 cellpadding=3>

Problem description:

is it possible to make an image out of my lastwarriorbanner.bmp appear at the top of that html page
It is possible

src << browse_rsc('lastwarriorbanner.bmp', "lastwarriorbanner.bmp")
// For each menu item, we'll create an HTML link in a table.
// The Topic() proc gets called when a link is clicked.
// The src setting tells it to call Topic() for this object.
var/menu_rows = ""
for (var/item in menu)
menu_rows += {"<tr><td align="center"><a href="?menu=choosing_character;choice=[item];src=\ref[src]">\[[item]]</a></td></tr>"}

var/page = {"
<body bgcolor=blue scroll=no>
<img src=lastwarriorbanner.bmp>
<b><i>Choose a character</i></b><br><br>
<table border=1 cellpadding=3>

But i wouldn't use .bmp if the picture is big .bmps are to large png is good