Pick_Country(name as text)
name = input("What Country Are You?") in text
src.verbs -=/mob/verb/Pick_Country
world <<"[usr.key] picks [name] as his country"

Problem description:
This here code doesn't work and if it does it doesn't show me...every time you use this verb, it acts like it works, but when you do something it doesn't show your name ...(ie later on use does thies ... says hello...also it does this when you do the verb :Argorth_of_Dillen picks as his country...see ne country even tho i did input one

I'm not sure if this is a typo, or if this is your problem, but this line:

name = input("What Country Are You?") in text

Should be:

name = input("What Country Are You?") as text
var/naym=input("What do you want to name your country?")as null|text
world<<"[key] picks [naym] as his country."

as text, not in text.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
that helped...but now it just repeats my name...
Argorth_of_Dillen picks Argorth_of_Dillen as his country
In response to Dmingmage
Name is a built in mob variable, you have to use something different than name.
In response to Artemio

switch(input("Which team do you want to join?","Team")in list("Red","Blue"))

usr.color = "red"

usr.color = "blue"
world<<"[country] picks [color]"
Say(msg as text)
world <<"[country] says [msg]"
NUMBER(msg as text)
world <<"[] piece is a [msg]"
Pick_Country(country as text)
src.verbs -=/mob/verb/Pick_Country
world <<"[usr.key] picks [country] as his country" = country

here are all my verbs...(its a board game i use mostly objs so i don't need verbs) now the pick country does what its supposed to, but when i do it, the other ones leave a blank where the country name is supposed to be!
Take out the argument; that's all you need to do. Just Pick_Country() instead of Pick_Country(name as text)
use something other than name for showing the may be confusing the compiler
In response to Budboinker
No, the compiler doesn't get confused from that. At worst, it can confuse the programmer, as you need to do "variable" to access the function's local variable and "src.variable" to access the src's version. Leaving out "src." in this case doesn't make it default to src.
In response to Loduwijk
that makes it not let me input anything ...
dmingmage picks as his country
In response to Dmingmage
When I said just take that out, I meant just that as opposed to that and what the other suggested. You need to leave in the "name = input()" line.