Code: A code allowing the player to deploy a unit in a list, which there is 4 Tree Cutters and a Jeep on.
if (src.Deploy == 1)
src.loc = usr.loc
src.Deploy = 0
src.player = usr.key
src.npc = "Y"
src.icon_state = usr.colour
usr << "[] deployed into battlefield."

Problem description: Since last time, the units were moved to mob/Unit ... Now, if I get rid of the Unit directory a command shows up, but you can only deploy yourself. If I add the directory the verb never shows up.

This is basicly a tuned up Drop command, so this is easy street.

Saying this to the people in the Zeta character topic - THERE ARE OTHER POSTS TOO YOU MORONS.
In response to RedlineM203
-->(2:13 pm) RedlineM203: It is unecessary to call other people idiots, please do not bump unless 24 hours have passed, and as for your post, since that if statement seems to be Boolean, use just if( src.Deploy )
-->(2:14 pm) RedlineM203: Output src and then output usr to the world to make sure they are not the same person.
-->(2:15 pm) RedlineM203: Also, that verb will not show up unless you add it manually. The problem is that the user is not of type mob/Unit,
-->(2:15 pm) RedlineM203: mob.verbs += /mob/unit/verb/Deploy

In case you don't feel like reading your pager. The second is irrelevant, I hadn't read the post properly.
In response to RedlineM203
Yeah, and there are other posts besides yours that need attention too, including the zeta character post. Be patient.
In response to Audeuro
Wow, someone uses the Pager messager and gets it to work for once <_<

Don't know what the hell your on about.